


Scammers are resolute to steal more identities and personal information than ever before. These bad actors use a variety of tactics to steal private financial information. 一旦他们获得了信用卡或沙巴买球账户的详细信息, 他们可以进行未经授权的收费, 掏空你的账户, 偷走你的身份.

But when you recognize the five P’s of common fraud schemes, you can ruin their nefarious plans.

1. 骗子假装来自一个已知的组织.

Scam artists often impersonate government organizations or companies you do business with, 比如科罗拉多信用社. These criminals will also make up names that sound like well-known businesses or service providers and use technology to change the number displayed on your caller ID.  来自信用合作社的信息将只包括网址

  • 注意那些看起来相似的链接, 包含额外的字母或数字, 或者甚至可能与信用合作社领域无关.
  • 使用不同的域限定符,例如 .上面, .商业,或者 .在线
  • 信息缺乏细节或本质上是令人担忧的
  • 语法或拼写错误
  • Requesting details not normally needed to log into 在线 banking, such as social security numbers.

Here is an example of a recent scam 文本 that has been circulating:



The Credit Union will never send out a message requesting a call back to a random phone number. 来自我们的信息将包括科罗拉多信用合作社. 请注意以下欺骗信息:

  • 电话号码丢失或不是信用合作社的电话号码.
  • 要求你回拨另一个电话号码
  • 内容令人担忧,但缺乏细节. Note that this example doesn’t even mention the Credit Union of Colorado
  • 邮件中的语法或拼写错误.
  • 请求您的用户名/密码或其他敏感信息
  • 请求一次性密码

2. 欺诈者说有一个问题

这些骗子知道如何引起你的注意. They'll use scare tactics to get you to respond to demands for 现金, 礼品卡, 电汇, 或者账户访问. Victims are often convinced they need to open their wallets after being told they:

  • 欠税 
  • 有法律问题吗
  • 需要解决一个账户问题
  • 是否有受到身体伤害的危险 
  • 有家庭成员陷入经济危机吗

The scammer always claims to have the solution but will only provide it in exchange for your money or private financial information.

下面是最近流传的一个短信诈骗的例子. 注意他们正在处理的“问题”.  Also, the phone number is not recognizable, and the URL is not correct.



In some cases, a hacker will look for a response via 文本 from their target. 请注意以下内容:

  • The phone number is not one of the Credit Union of Colorados phone numbers
  • The content of the message is alarming but lacks details (see below for a legitimate fraud txt message)
  • 拼写或语法错误
  • 通过文本消息请求您的用户名/密码
  • Requesting additional details like a One Time Passcode or social security number

Below is an example of a legitimate fraud alert from the Credit Union regarding a fraud alert.

  • 电话号码每次都保持不变
  • There is a lack of urgency in the message (we can contact you later)
  • 没有拼写或语法错误
  • 要拨打的电话号码在短信之间保持不变
  • Contains clear details such as last four digits of your card number

3. 骗子迫使你立即采取行动.

骗子希望你行动迅速,并对沟通保密. 他们可能会打电话, 发邮件或短信威胁要逮捕他, 苏, 如果你不立即按他们说的做,他们会羞辱你. 他们不想让你花时间去核实他们的说法.

The Credit Union will never send a message requesting a call back to a random phone number. 我们发送的信息将包括科罗拉多信用合作社. 请注意以下欺骗信息:

  • The phone number is missing or is not a Credit Union Phone number.
  • 要求你回拨另一个电话号码
  • 内容令人担忧,但缺乏细节. Note that this example doesn’t even mention the Credit Union of Colorado.
  • 邮件中的语法或拼写错误.
  • 请求您的用户名/密码或其他敏感信息
  • 请求一次性密码



4. 骗子会告诉你用一种特定的方式付款.

小偷经常坚持要你付现金, 礼品卡, 电汇, 或者像比特币这样的虚拟货币. 这些付款方式不容易被追踪或取消. Some will send you a fake paper check for more than the amount needed, tell you to deposit it and instruct you to send them the difference.

5. 骗子要求你领取奖品.

你收到过电子邮件吗, 文本, or phone call of congratulations for a contest or sweepstakes you don't remember entering? 这个通知听起来很诱人, wise consumers ignore these attempts to lure victims into this common scam. Fraudsters will lie and say you've won the lottery or were approved for a free grant. But there's one big catch – you must pay a fee to claim your alleged prize.


意识是全年避免诈骗的关键. Before acting on any unsolicited request for personal information, remember:

  • 假冒诈骗有多种形式. Government agencies and tech companies rarely call you out of the blue or send 文本 messages demanding payment. 如果这是一个合法的请求, they won’t mind if you call them back at the number displayed on the organization’s actual website.
  • 骗子制造虚假的问题和紧急情况. Confirm claims of out-of-town accidents and legal trouble by contacting family or local law enforcement. 查找号码. Do not call the number provided to you by a caller or the one that appears on your caller ID - numbers are frequently faked!
  • Never pay to resolve a legal matter or claim a prize using virtual currency, 现金, 电汇, 或者礼品卡. These payment methods are hard to trace and are most often associated with fraud schemes. You may not be able to dispute or recall transactions you authorize, 即使你后来发现这是个骗局.
  • 科罗拉多信用社会 从来没有 要求您提供验证码, 网站密码, 或者通过电话获得完全激活的卡号, 通过短信, 或电子邮件! Whenever you contact a financial institution regarding your account, 您可能会被要求以其他方式验证您的身份. You should never divulge financial details to someone who calls you out of the blue. 
  • 如果感觉不对劲,很可能就是. Lotteries, loans, and jobs do not fall through if you ask for a few hours to consider. 相信你的直觉! 

If you believe you may be the victim of a scam, we recommend using our 欺诈检查表 to recover the security of your accounts and possibly your identity. Contact us immediately at 800-444-4816 if you suspect fraud related to your Credit Union of Colorado account. 


A legitimate message from the Credit Union regarding a fraud alert.

  • 电话号码每次都保持不变.
  • There is a lack of urgency in the message (we can contact you later)
  • 没有拼写或语法错误
  • 要拨打的电话号码在短信之间保持不变
  • It contains clear details such as the last four digits of your card number


We encourage our members to stay alert to potential fraud schemes. 你最好的防御就是意识. Our Risk Department recently found these specific scams to be on the rise across the country: